Accreditation & Licenses
A broad array of certifications and licenses that distinguish us among providers.

Accreditation & Licenses

Agency for Persons with Disabilities
APD supports individuals with unique abilities and their families in living, learning and working within their communities by creating multiple pathways to possibilities. APD identifies the service needs of people with developmental disabilities, and those individuals may receive social, medical, behavioral, residential, and/or therapeutic services.
CARF International
CARF® International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services.
Memberships & Affiliations

Association for Behavior Analysis International
ABAI is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice

Florida Association for Behavior Analysis
The Florida Association for Behavior Analysis was founded in 1980 to promote the ethical, humane, and effective application of behavior principles in all segments of society, including education, business, rehabilitation facilities and government.

The Council of Autism Service Providers
The Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP) is a non-profit trade association of provider organizations serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder. CASP member organizations provide services in many different settings utilizing a variety of funding streams.